Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery
When disaster strikes, you need security, risk management and recovery plans so you can get back up and running as soon as possible. Because without access to data and software, it’s hard to stay in business.
Organisations around the world are accelerating their digital transformation. But the shift to more remote work and decentralised collaboration has also brought new challenges, which is why ensuring continuous operations and protecting data is top priority.
Choose the right provider for your business, choose KBS
Advantages of using KBS as your DRaaS service provider
Having a DRaaS can save your business a lot of time, money, and resources when it comes to disaster recovery. Using an expert thiurd party supplier such as KBS, to manage failover not only speeds up recovery time and frees up you IT department to manage the system repair, but also reduces the risk of human error from in-house staff who are working under pressure in a disaster scenario.
We will take time to discover and research the exact service and SLA for your business. There are so many questions and consideration to ensure the SLA is built to meet all of your business needs. Choosing KBS as your DRaaS provider will give you peace of mind that your IT systems are resilient against disruption.
Reduce Infrastructure Costs
Reduce the ost of deploying, monitoring, patching and maintaining on-premises disaster recovery infrastructure by eliminating the need for buildingor monitoring a costly secondary datacenter. Plus, you only pay for the computer resources that you need to support your applications.
Minimise Downtime with dependable recovery
Complying with industry regulations, such as ISO 27001, be enabling Site Recovery between separate Azure regions. Coverage to as many business-critical applications as you need = backed by Azure’s service availability and support. Restore your most recent data quickly with Site Recovery.
Choose the right provider for your business, choose KBS
Backup, restore and disaster recovery plans are often overlooked or never tested until a critical event occurs. But with data volumes increasing and business continuity being more in demand than ever, organisations need to take a more conscious approach to prevent problems that could impact their business, users and customers.
Get a personlised solution Through a business impact analysis we help you identify your key business processes, the underlying IT systems and the required service level agreements to deliver a personalised solution. We can help you:
- Ensure business continuity
- Minimise interruption of critical processes
- Maintain operations from third-party data centres
- Configure backup and retention times
- Manage replication intervals and failover plans
- Reduce risks and increase reliability
- Establish backup, disaster recovery and cloud repository
We are here to help. Comprehensive threat and vulnerability assessments are essential to securing your organisation.
Our free Cyber Security Assessment Consulting gives you access to speak with our security experts to give you a clear understanding of your vulnerabilities.
Some of our accreditations & partnerships

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Protect your network with comprehensive security at a small business price, talk to our experts today.
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